Autotelic Personality Helps Achieve Flow
Having an autotelic personality helps to achieve flow. It is characterized by being internally driven, having a sense of purpose, curiosity, persistence, and humility. Performing acts because they are intrinsically rewarding in and of themselves as an experience, rather than to achieve external or future goals (e.g. learning for the sake of learning rather than learning to get a lucrative job). This makes you more likely to be able to learn to enjoy situations that others would find miserable.
Having intrinsic motivation is a powerful trait that leads to greater positive experiences, feelings, and overall well-being as a result of being more likely to be goal-directed and enjoy challenging experiences that would lead to increased overall happiness. Being autotelic and internally driven means you don't need external rewards such as money, power, or fame. Instead, you experience flow in all areas of life and are fully involved in living life. You are more independent as a result.
Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience by Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi